The Women's Travel Market
travel industry is a $541 billion industry with women comprising 40% of its
travelers. Women business travelers have increased by 5000% since 1970, comprising
40% of all business travelers today. Women also influence 80% of all family and
leisure travel.
is due to the influx of working women which began in the late '60s. Women now
comprise more than half of the U.S. labor force with more than 9 million owning
their own businesses, contributing $3.6 trillion to the national economy. Women
also do more research online than ever making up more than 54% of online users
according to recent report by abcnews.com. This number is expected to continue
to increase at a steady pace.
resorts, bed and breakfasts, restaurants, and airlines have recognized a significant
increase in women travelers, and begun specific marketing programs to them, especially
the hotel industry. There has been a considerable increase in amenities, services
and accommodations that cater to women travelers. However, reaching this audience
with their "special promotions" has been limited, as there have been
limited mediums to target the female traveler.
leaders recognize the substantial consumer power behind the women's market and
have subsequently created significant marketing and advertising programs to reach them. Both
the travel and auto industries continue to vacillate between women's magazines,
websites, events, and TV to gain the competitive edge but to no avail.
has emerged as the only medium to directly target and focus on the women's travel
and auto markets providing multimedia venues through which companies can reach
this targeted audience. Venues include an extensive online magazine, speaking engagements, event marketing, and satellite media tours. [Press Kit]
order to succeed in marketing to women companies must focus on what women want
and then market their products and services to those emotional needs.
Women identify more closely with ads that are geared towards
their lifestyles as opposed to a generic or male audience. Women reject pink marketing campaigns that condescend to them. As a leading authority in this area,
RTM offers consulting
services on how to market to women. |