2005 Sexy Car Buyer's Guide
by Martha Hindes
cars. They can make one green with envy. They can take the breath
away. They can make one lust at the very sound of a well-tuned
throaty exhaust, at the sight of five-spoke sport wheels poised
to surge away from a stop, at the sultry profile of molded steel
like the carved lines of a classic Renaissance statue.
sexy, alluring automobiles have a way of firing up passionate
pursuits that can make personal daydreams pale in comparison.
They toy with emotions, and tease with a stolen touch through
the guarded perimeter at an auto show, or a vision through a dealership
a ripple-toned Kevin Sorbo, internationally famed as Hercules,
ever have the persuasive power of a thunder-pumped Ford GT? Does
a cougar-bait Ashton Kutcher stand a chance against the lure of
Porsche, or Maserati, or Corvette? They might simply be teasers
that fade with the emergence of a new generation of unattainable
boy toys (for the distaff side, at least).
cars. Whether man or woman, boy or girl, one can feel their unyielding
siren spell. After all, they say lovers may come and lovers may
go, but the passionate lure of a tempting auto can seem to go
on forever. For RTM's Ninth Annual Sexy Car Buyers Guide, we offer
some of the outstanding sexy cars that have proven their ability
to cast such a spell.