Martha Hindes
a cosmos seemingly overrun by sport utility vehicles, it's sometimes doubtful
the world can still love the family sedan. But don't try telling that to a sedan
buyer. Whether plain vanilla or hot and spicy, they offer more of everything.
And with one out of every five vehicles on the American road a four-door auto
model, their claim to fame comes in sheer numbers as well as the variety of choices
they represent. As
2004 (sometimes dubbed the "Year of the Car") rolls on, sedans are demanding
a more important place among consumers who inherently know they can offer the
best combination of driving comfort, performance fun and practical capability
of anything on the road. RTM offers these staples as among the best choices for
variety and amenities. A
fork in the road....either navigate through our sedan buyer's guide by clicking
on 'Start' or by selecting one of the models listed below! |