Pet Travel Directory:
Pet-Friendly Hotels, Boarding & Parks in U.S. and Canada
Leave home without Fido? I don't think so.
Created for pet owners that choose to travel with their four-legged friends, ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine's Pet Travel Directory serves up the latest listings in pet-friendly travel across North America.
We're making it easy for you to pack and go with pets in tow. To check out what hotels and resorts are offering up purrr-fect packages in your area (or favorite travel destination), simply choose a location from below.
We've also included some special pet boarding facilities (for day trips that can't accommodate the furry ones), pet day care, and pet parks to help you in the planning process.
From comfy B&Bs to over-the-top ritzy--think doggie massages at the Ritz-Carlton--we've got your pet travel needs covered. For pet travel advice, suggested products and featured destinations, visit ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine's Pet Travel section.
Want to share your favorite pet-friendly place with ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine readers? Please use our Contact Form and give us the inside scoop!
Pet Friendly Hotels, Parks & Boarding by State |