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If your publication or website is interested in syndication of automotive, travel, or personal safety articles, ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine offers syndication rights to its content. Although RTM targets women consumers, most articles are written with a more generic audience in mind to fit any publication and appeal to all readers.

RTM offers a wide variety of articles from which to choose.
Below is a list of examples.


Driving Too Slow in the High Speed Lane

Breakdown: What to Keep in Your Car for Emergencies

Oil Details - When To Change

12 Steps to Buying A Used Car

The Dangers of Driving Drowsy

When is Too Old to Drive?

How to Avoid Violence at Your Vehicle

Tires: Most Important Part of Your Car

Car Wash: Good for Your Well-being

Pay Less for Rental Car After Accident

After an Accident: The Medical Expenses

How To Deal With Expensive Auto Repairs

Detailing Your Car for Winter

Precautions for a Road Trip

How to Sell Your Car

Protect Your Wallet at the Repair Shop

Buying vs. Leasing

Prepare Car for Summer Road Trip


Airlines: Why Some Soar, Others Nosedive

Cell Phone Rudeness

Security Tips for Traveling Abroad

Taking the edge off Business Travel

Tips for the Pregnant Traveler

Traveling Solo

Fire Safety While Traveling

How to Ruin a Vacation with a Credit Card

Traveling with Your Pet

Conveyer Belt Scams

Some Blimps Are Better Off Dead

Deep Vein Thrombosis: AKA Economy Class Syndrome

The above articles are an example of subject matter available, however, if you prefer to explore additional content, please visit RTM's travel, automotive, and safety sections found in the navigation bar on RTM. Each section offers a variety of topics in which there are dozens of articles from which to choose.

RTM provides fees based on per article use, or a flat fee for the use of RTM content on a regular monthly basis. Fees are based on how much content is used each month.

Whether monthly content or one-time use, all articles must be submitted to RTM for written approval as fees range in cost per article depending on author. Some authors don't allow syndication.

RTM also requires that each article used in syndication is sourced to RTM with link, and that authors receive appropriate byline.

Syndication fees range from $25 per article use to $250 for authored articles and/or reviews. If you prefer specific content not found on RTM, we can assign your request to one of our reputable travel or automotive journalists depending on your needs.

Once you have made your selections please contact us to discuss permission rights and syndication fees. Simply send us a link to each article you would like to use. Also send a link to the site on which you wish to use RTM content.

There is no charge to simply link to an RTM article from your website. You may place a blurb on your site of no more than 50 words to introduce the article, then link the full article from the blurb directly to the article on RTM.

RTM also offers reciprocal linking opportunities, please click here to access our 'Recommended Links' section. Please send us a link to your site for compatibility.

Individuals and/or companies that use RTM articles on their websites and/or in print publications without written permission from RTM will be subject to a copyright infringement lawsuit.

— Definitions


Hotels & Resorts - Hotel Reviews
This is where we single out hotels that have made huge impressions on us. From those located in bustling US cities to those that are tucked away in the wilderness, we've picked the creme de la creme.

Adventure Travel
From snorkeling with manatees to climbing rocks and frozen waterfalls, you'll find some thrilling, in-depth personal accounts of women testing their boundaries.

Destination Reviews
Here's where you'll find destination pieces on places like New York City, Florida beaches and the Kansas prairie. We're traveling the globe in search of the best vacation (and business travel) destinations.

Travel Advice
You'll find plenty of travel safety information in this section, from credit card protection to personal safety for the solo female traveler.

Healthy Traveler
It's hard to eat healthy when traveling. That's why we've pumped this section full of "how to" pieces and tips on wellness.

Other sections include reviews on Luxury Trains, Cruise Lines, Spas, and Bed & Breakfasts.


Road Test Reviews
RTM Road Test Reviews address those issues and priorities important to women when considering a new purchase or lease. Reviews are performed and written by experienced and respected automotive journalists who understand consumer needs.

Buyer's Guides
Buyer's Guides let women know what's available from all automakers in a specific category such as midsize, sport utility, luxury or sports car. It's a comparison of styles, features and pricing.

Buying a Used Car
Used car buying is tricky. This section aims to take some of the guess work out of buying a used car. Packed full of helpful tips and guides, this section is a must-read for any woman in the market for a used car.

Safety & Security
Provides tips to women on how to stay safe and sane when traveling alone, and how to avoid dangerous encounters on the road.

Women's Workshop
The Women's Workshop is designed to answer those everyday questions of owning and maintaining a vehicle. From preventative maintenance to car covers, emergency kits and oil changes, this section is overflowing with good information.

Road Humor
We all need to laugh -- especially after fighting rush hour traffic on a daily basis! Our articles in this section range from silly to laugh-out-loud hilarious.

Other sections include articles on Teens & Tots, News & Views, and Vehicle Safety Ratings

Articles on the RTM website may not be used without permission.

Some articles cannot be reprinted. For more information,

please call 248.561.5660 EST

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