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ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine Introduces
Auto & Travel Network Portals; Adds Rich Media

DETROIT -- April 25, 2005 - ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine (RTM) announced today the introduction of its new "Automotive Network" and "Travel Network" landing pages. Serving as the doorway for entry into the wide variety of content RTM offers in each category, each Network portal also introduces rich media into the mix, offering advertisers more targeted outlets to reach consumers.

"Once we surpassed 6000 pages of content, we felt the time had come to streamline access to each category, making it easier for readers to find RTM's auto and travel content. Additionally, by removing the old navigation bar from the home page, we're now able to add more content," explains RTM editor Courtney Caldwell. Now readers can simply click on either the "Automotive Network" or "Travel Network" link in the bar across the top of the home page to gain full access into either world.

The traditional navigation system will remain in tact throughout the rest of RTM for now, however, as the site redesign progresses each section will be converted to reflect the home page design offering a wider array of rich media and marketing opportunities for advertisers, as well as making the site more aesthetically pleasing to readers.

RTM projects more than 10 million impressions for 2005, an increase that doubles the 4.9 million recorded in 2004. RTM's unique visitor total is also expected to increase to 3.2 million in 2005 compared to 2.1 million in 2004 (Web Stats).

RTM targets upscale consumers with a slant towards women - mid-management to business owner - and is considered a leading authority in the women's automotive and travel markets. Although its primary audience is women, RTM provides content and resources for all consumers, regardless of age or gender, targeting the 'average' consumer, not gearheads or enthusiasts.

About ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine
ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine, established in 1989, is a comprehensive online magazine specializing in travel, automotive and safety topics. RTM provides content and resources from which consumers can make informed and intelligent decisions regarding their automotive, travel and personal safety needs. For more information, please visit us at

Contact: Courtney Caldwell (248) 546.4646

Press Releases | RTM Home Page | 2005 ICOTY Awards

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