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Web Based Article Submission Guidelines

RTM Article Submission Guidelines for Web-based Articles

Writing an article for the web is completely different than writing for print. All articles submitted to RTM, a web-based magazine, must follow the criteria below in order to be accepted and published. Thank you.

  1. Each article must be approximately 800 – 1200 words in length, no longer.

  2. The article must contain one topic, either one travel review or one auto review. Articles with multiple topics will not be accepted

  3. Articles must be submitted in a word document and sent as an email attachment. Articles submitted in the body of an email will not be accepted

  4. Articles must be submitted using Verdana font and 10 point in size

  5. Paragraphs must be single spaced and double spaced between paragraphs

  6. All articles must be spell checked before submitting

  7. Articles must include a story title and byline

  8. All articles must be accompanied with your permission to run the article in RTM at no charge. This permission can be included in the body of the email.

  9. For the purposes of search engine optimization your article topic or product must be worked into the first paragraph of the article i.e.: name of hotel and location, or year, make and model of vehicle review

  10. Each article must include live links to the brand topic of the article

  11. At the end of each article in a separate paragraph that boldly says SEO: include at least 5 search terms for your article that can be included in SEO for the article so search engines can find it easily. Search terms include name and location of hotel, variations or nicknames of the name, special features of the hotel or car, etc. Here is a link to help guide you to the right kind of terms. For cars, include year, make and model and variations.

  12. At the end of travel articles, provide a separate paragraph that says “If you go’ under which should be the address, phone numbers and live link details of the property. If an auto review, it should say “Tech Talk” with the basic details of the car’s price, engine, MPG, etc.

  13. Sidebars are permitted if they are included at the end of the article and are clearly marked ‘sidebar.’ Sidebars should be no longer than 100 words.

  14. RTM works on a three month lead time. Please keep this in mind when submitting articles. 


  1. Good quality jpeg images should accompany your article in high res and must be strictly relevant to the article.

  2. RTM does not run family photos so please do not include them. All images must be of professional quality.

  3. Please submit at least four images keeping in mind that one must be interesting enough to be a lead photo to the article.

  4. Hi res images are often large files so please send them in a zip folder or as attachments. Do not include in the body of the email.

  5. Each jpeg must be named as to what it is. Jpegs submitted with numbers only or names only will not be accepted. For example, if you are submitting a lead photo for the Ritz Carlton, it should be named Ritz-Carlton-lead.1.jpeg. The interior shot should be named Ritz-Carlton-lobby.1.jpeg, etc.

  6. At the end of your article in a separate paragraph marked ‘images’ include a list of the images matching the names and numbers of each image so that each is clearly identifiable to the relevance of the article.

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