Americans Are Expanding Their
Use of the Internet
the aggregate rates of use and growth by gender have equalized, there
are still gender-related differences in Internet use within various
age groups. Women, from approximately age 20 to age 50, are more likely
to be Internet users than men. From about age 60 and older, men have
higher rates of Internet use than women.
Internet use rate among people living in female-headed single parent
households grew dramatically between August 2000 and September 2001,
and the differential between Internet use rates between people living
in male and female single parent households has largely disappeared.
However, as Figure 2-8 shows, people who live in households headed
by married couples (where children under the age of 18 are present)
are more likely than people who live in other household types to be
both computer and Internet users.
(Source: NTIA and the Economics and Statistics Administration,
Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use Of The Internet.
This report is based on the September 2001 U.S.
Census Bureaus Current Population Survey - a survey of approximately
57,000 households and more than 137,000 individuals across the United
States. As such, the data in this study are among the most broad-based
and reliable datasets that have been gathered on Internet, broadband,
and computer connectivity.)
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