1. Name 3 or more environmental initiatives your company supported/sponsored in 2008 and three more they plan to support in the near future.
2008 Initiatives:
Hydrogen Road Tour 2008—Hyundai participated in this cross-country, multi-manufacturer driving event with two Tucson FCEVs (Fuel Cell Elective Vehicles). The two vehicles traveled nearly 4350 miles from Portland, ME to Los Angeles to promote hydrogen fuel cell technology over the course of 13 days. Hyundai currently has a fleet of 32 fuel cell vehicles operating in fleet testing programs in the United States.
i-Blue Concept—At the 2008 Chicago Auto Show in February, Hyundai launched the i-Blue concept vehicle for North American audiences. The i-Blue is the first-ever Hyundai vehicle designed from the ground-up as a fuel-cell vehicle, with a unique, purpose-built architecture. This zero-emission concept is powered by a 100 KW electric engine and fuel cell stack with a range greater than 370 mph and top speeds over 100 mph.
Partnership with LG Chem—Hyundai has partnered with LG Chem in order to develop the next-generation of lithium ion batteries, which are expected to provide upcoming Hyundai hybrid models with nearly a 70 percent increase in fuel economy over gasoline-powered counterparts.
Near Future Initiatives:
Hyundai Aims for 35 MPG: Hyundai is aggressively pushing to meet the proposed U.S. fuel efficiency standard of 35 miles per gallon by 2015, five years ahead of a U.S. deadline. The declaration distinguishes the company from competitors that have argued to U.S. regulators that an interim step in boosting fuel standards -- to 31.6 mpg by 2015 -- is too aggressive.
Hybrid Elantra— Hyundai plans to start retail sales of its first LPG–electric hybrid vehicle in July 2009. To be sold initially in the Korean domestic market under the Avante badge, the Elantra LPI Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is the world´s first hybrid vehicle to be powered by liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and the first to adopt advanced Lithium Polymer (Li–Poly) batteries.
Hybrid Models for U.S. — A hybrid version of one of Hyundai’s best-selling sedans will go on sale in the U.S. in the next few years, expected to sell in volume of 50,000 units annually, with a 70 percent improvement in fuel economy over its traditionally-powered counterpart using an advanced lithium ion battery jointly developed with LG Chem.
Plug-in Hybrid — Hyundai plans on launching a plug-in hybrid in the next five years.
2. Name 3 media outlets through which your company promoted environmental awareness in 2008 to consumers. These can include print, online or broadcast.
Automotive News—On September 29th, Automotive News published an extensive story on Hyundai’s plans for developing advanced lithium ion batteries as well as an outline of the hybrid vehicles it plans on launching in the U.S. over the next several years. The story, written by Hans Greimel, can be found at: http://www.autonews.com/article/20080929/ANE03/809289893
Wall Street Journal—An article written by Evan Ramstad on September 2nd notes that Hyundai will be able to meet the proposed U.S. Fuel Efficiency standard of 35 miles per gallon five years ahead of schedule in 2015: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122038021528291565.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
CNET— This leading consumer electronics/technology site featured the i-Blue in its “Crave Blog” during the Chicago Auto Show in February of 2008: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-9866531-1.html
3. Cite the progress your company has made with in-production eco-friendly, alternative energy vehicles i.e.: hybrid, diesel, solar powered, flex-fuel, natural gas, electric, ethanol, or other.
Hyundai has made great strides in improving the overall fuel economy of its entire North American model lineup, and is third in Corporate Average Fuel Economy according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In 2008, it increased both the horsepower and fuel economy for the 2009 Sonata, shipped and sold record numbers of the small, fuel-efficient Accent and Elantra vehicles and introduced a wagon version of the Elantra, the Elantra Touring, which touts highway fuel economy of 30-31 mpg, depending on the transmission. Hyundai’s popular Elantra sedan is available as a PZEV in “green” states around the country such as California. By 2010, a Hyundai hybrid model will reach the United States, which features an advanced dual-powertrain that is considerably more sophisticated than many of the hybrid vehicles currently on the road.
4. Name 3 environmental organizations with which your company has partnerships and why.
California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP)—Hyundai works with the CaFCP and 31 other member organizations to help commercialize hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles and bring environmentally-friendly vehicles to market. In eight years, over 200 vehicles in conjunction with the CaFCP have traveled over one million miles on California roads. The group is among the most active and visible organizations in promoting the spread of hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Chevron Corp.—The Hyundai-Kia American Technical Center in Chino, Calif. is one of five Chevron hydrogen refueling stations throughout the country. The station produces hydrogen and stores enough of the substance to power five fleet vehicles. In powering part of Hyundai’s fleet of fuel cell vehicles, Chevron plays an essential role in helping Hyundai to make hydrogen a viable and renewable energy source.
CarbonFund.org: Hyundai has partnered with CarbonFund.org to offset emissions for one full year for all 2009 Genesis sedans sold. Hyundai will reforest hundreds of acres of Brazil’s “Cerrado,” a vast tropical savanna eco-region in South America. More than 150,000 native trees will be planted as part of this initiative in one of the world’s most efficient regions for trapping harmful CO2.
5. What progress has your company made in reducing global warming?
Hyundai is pushing the auto industry towards higher fuel efficiency standards by embracing government mandates, rather than opposing them. Hyundai continues to be a leader in fuel economy – placing third in Corporate Average Fuel Economy -- by selling reliable, fuel-efficient vehicles which offer an opportunity to improve gas mileage in a practical, everyday manner. Hyundai is one of the few automakers that has explored carbon offsetting and will literally cultivate a forest in the coming years that will have a lasting environmental impact. Hyundai is also investing heavily in the future – developing cutting-edge hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and advancing battery technology for future hybrid and electric vehicle deployment.